Monday, September 29, 2008

Chinese New Year Fireworks Lion Dance


nick reisert said...

i think it is cool that they kindof go back and worship their past family members on chinese new year. also the candy platter sounds interesting.

Reagan Colby said...

This lion dacne is to interesting. I do agree on how i think it is interesting how they worship this lion and do a dance about it. The colors are neat and the way they can make it work is so cool. Kinda makes me feel like i want to do it!

Sam said...

The lion dance was cool. I can't believe that was two people, it defently didn't look like it. It was also cool how the danced on the top of the poles.

Unknown said...

Cool video, the lion dance was super cool, i have no clue how they balance on those beams. Pretty sure i could never do that.

-Wes Bird

Cate said...

The lion dance was really cool! It was so amazing how they could balence on each other to jump on the poles and stuff.

Rebecca D'Ambruoso said...

The superstitions were really cool. I would hate to have to clean the house before New Years Eve.